The round of 16 !!!

I'm hoping that Argentina will win todays second game (how can they not win?!?!). :)
Anyway, start commenting...

pub with drinks on different topics and visitors from around the world to come and chat
Wow! What a weekend! Mexico actually looked really strong and challenged Argentina. That was the goal of the cup....except today maybe Beckham's free kick. But nah, the goal in overtime probably wins.
As far as Beckham goes, I don't care if he doesn't play defense, if you can get him to do that every game, you have a winner. I just want England to play as good as I know they can, and they are just not!! Although Rooney played fairly well in 90 minutes of heat. Overall the point is to advance, and so mission accomplished.
But holy cow, did you see the Portugal-Holland game??! That was one of the most physical matches I've ever seen! I can't believe even geriatric Figo was mixing it up (with a nice head-butt!). Netherlands deserved to lose for 2 reasons: 1. Not playing Van Nisteroy and 2. Not playing the ball back to Portugal after the injury. That was just not cool. So I was glad to see them go down. It just sucks that Deco is out for the next round. Wouldn't you know it would be a Russian (ref) who would screw up the game with 16 cards? Of course it seems that all refs suck this year.
P.S. Fiiiiiggggoooooo, I still believe!!!!!! Go England. w00t Crouch AND Rooney in the front next match.
Man that was some game between Ukraine and Swis.
Very interesting how they went all the way to penalties. And their goalie was amazing at taking every shot.
Lilia was watching it and she went crazy. She almost cried when they won. That's understandable considering that it's Ukraine's first time to get that far (and I think it's their first World Cup too).
They probably don't have very good chances aginst Italy but still good job Ukraine!
lol I hear all this Italy, Italy, Italy crap and nobody wants to talk about just how lucky the Italians were? I mean come on penalty on the 93rd minute! If that's not lucky I don't know what is. Granted the penalty was deserved, but because it was 93rd he could have let it fly. Anyways no biggie.
Ukraine - good job and yet bad job. Don't get me wrong I love the team, I love Shevchenko - I mean come on he played for my favorite club for 7 years in a row and took them places they hadn't been in a long time. But the point is Neither Ukraine nor Switzerland played good at all. However! The matchup vs. Italy is perfect because Italy plays the same style as well - they don't attack, just sit back, defend and all that jazz. So all in all I'd say we're gonna see another boring game like that. Although the Italians have a little better offense and might actually score, but if you ask me Bloxin is going to sit back just like them and just counter. And with the way Toni has been playing, unless Pipo comes in, it'll be penalty shootouts once more! And Italy doesn't want that for 2 reasons: 1. They suck at penalty shootouts lol I mean just look at their previous losses in the world cup's second stage (3 out of 4 were on penalties), and 2. Ukraine's keeper is coming off a huge game with Switzerland and he's extremely confident.
Now the Portugal game... lol. I agree with a lot of Goga's points - we watched it together since I was in Michigan that weekend. None of the teams played very well. They both got physical, when Ronaldo got hurt that was extremely dissappointing and made me feel bad for Portugal, but then all the crap started and Portugal didn't play to play, but played just for their lead. Then Figo headbutted the guy... lol I swear that should have been another red card. I know he was standing up for his teammates and all, but he's a veteran and he put his entire team on the line (got lucky there were already enough cards and the ref didn't see it). I disagree though Gog about Raud. I think your dad was right when he said there must be some internal conflict between him and Van Basten (their coach). I'm not saying that's why Netherlands lost, however when you have a high class scorer like him sitting on a bench, and you're desperate - you put away all doubts, it doesn't matter how he played the in the group stage: at least he played! The player he put in instead hadn't even played in the group stage!! So all in all big mistake.
lol Em I don't think your liking or disliking Brazil will make a difference this cup :P I disagree with the point that the winner of Germany - Argentina will be the champion. They still have to go through Brazil - I'm not just saying it to say it, it's a fact. Brazil is playing stronger and stronger, and this Ghana game no matter how much people say "Brazil didn't play at their best" you know what they played good, they rested their players and, even though Ghana did play outstanding and deserved a better result than 3-0, Brazil still did their job and they did it well. Props to Ghana definately! It's ok to dislike Brazil, but you can't put away the facts. I'm not cheering for any team in particular this world cup at all. Technically all the teams that I liked are already out. I like the way Germany plays, I have loved Brazil only because of one man - Romario (best player ever no matter who says what - and no matter what you say too Gog so dont' even bother!), I don't think I want to see Spain win it, Argentina has been playing good too, but I can bring the same argument that people bring with Brazil - why did Argentina play so bad their last game? They weren't dominating and technically we haven't seen Argentina play a top class team yet, so that's yet to be seen. No offense to you Em, I mean the Argentine team is doing amazing this year and they have 23 stars so doesn't even matter who plays. I'm still waiting on Messi to show his flare because he has even more flare than people talk about I think.
Spain - France later on today! I swear I hope France wins so Brazil can get their revenge on them in the semifinals, but at the same time I hope they lose because not only don't they deserve to be in the second stage, but they don't even deserve to be in this World Cup!
Well... that was a different France team and a different Spain team no? As I've always said - Spain are big choakers and they can't do anything as soon as they get out of group stage... I mean come on, you can't even beat France? Go take a few lessons from Switzerland, maybe you'll learn a trick or two.
Now all pressure on Brazil! It's revenge time and they know it! I say 4:0! Ronaldo should score a freaking hattrick and then one for Ronaldinho just because he hasn't scored yet. Quoting my friend Robe after I told him France just won "the country of france needs to be a parking lot." Enough said lol.
well, well, a lot of emotion and picks flying around!!! But don't count out the Brits! (I gotta go with my homeland :->) I can't wait for England-Brazil!!! (my fingers are crossed that England gets passed Figo (sin Deco).
I still think Brazil on cruise control with one leg tied behind their back is better than 90% of the teams in the WC. However, Ghana left their hearts on the field and deserve a lot of credit.
Spain chokes. France is lucky to have Ribery. But they have no chance against Brazil. End of story.
Now, on the other side of the bracket, Germany is playing RIGHT NOW the best football. Emanuel, what has Argentina done lately? Squeaked by a Mexico team that gave them a goal at the end? I think at this point Germany is looking like a favorite to challenge Brazil.
Goga, Italy is beatable. We've seen it time and time again, so I wouldn't be too confident even against Ukraine. It depends on which Ukraine shows up for the game. Kalinichenko and Voronin, Rebrov aren't bad. Shevo still has some good soccer in him, and remember that although they know him on the back line, he knows them also, and if I recall he did OKAY in the Italian league, no?
My picks: Germany, Ukraine (miracle win), England, Brasil, with Germany v. Brasil in final. 50/50 chance for who wins that.
Soccer?!?!? What's that?!?!?
I know only football.
Shame on you Em. :)
What switching teams are you talking about? For one thing I don't even have a team. FROM THE BEGINNING I always said Brazil will win this, but they're not my team, I was just stating a fact. So don't tell me I'm switching teams bla bla bla when I don't even have a team. :P
As far as Italy - Brazil final gog it won't happen for one thing, and IF say it does, then Brazil is guaranteed yet another cup. Why? Well simply because the Italians can't finish. Comparing it to 1994, they at least had strikers who could finish - except under pressure, when it mattered the most of course they (and by they I mean Roberto Baggio) couldn't handle it and broke down. BUT the whole point is at least the strikers there finished in previous games. Whereas in this world cup, Toni STILL hasn't scored lol, Totti has scored but I mean come on penalty doesn't count and then it's just scraps, can't be compared to the many goals by other teams such as Germany, Brazil, Argentina. I'm not bashing on Italy, England is in the same state. Now I already know what your response is going to be "Italy has the best defense and can withstand even Brazil." While I agree with the defense point - it's not enough vs. teams like Argentina, Germany and Brazil because we all have seen that (especially with Brazil) all they need is one good attack, one dangerous situation and they finish. That's the difference between the world class teams and the others. Every team has dangerous moments, but teams like Brazil score on those chances. Italy doesn't, I mean you can't deny it - and if you do go check who had the least scored goals coming out of the group stage.
P.S. Baggio isn't even worthy of washing Romario's socks after Romario got done kicking Italy's butt in a soccer game. :P
Well gog not to turn this into a baggio romario thing either, but just to reply to your comment:
It's a preview of a book called "Socceranto: Birth of a Language" which talks about different terms. If you keep scrolling right, you'll hit a list of definitions for example "to maradona" means to score a goal with a hand. Your favorite Baggio is there as well, lets see it says "baggio - noun, definition: missed penalty"
enough said.
gog... that's not Romario dude lol. Just because your search of "romario" showed you a picture that someone named "romario.jpg" doesn't mean it has Romario on it. On that lame note of yours I'll finish as well :P lol this is about current world cup, current stars and not the greats (Romario) and losers(Baggio) of the past. Topic closed! lol
I will say that although Toni has not scored a goal, he still has looked fairly dominant in the front. He may break out.....but I agree with Gurg, Germany has the home field which as we have seen means they will be advancing, plus the momemtum....I'm not sure if another team can catch up....
Brits have to wake up! At what point do they realize they're in the WC!? The potential is there, Rooney is getting more and more fired up. (crazy?) Oh well, games are just around the corner!
Well Germany - Argentina just ended, and man what a battle that was. One of the greatest games I've seen between two powerhouses. Props to both teams, Em I know it's gotta be rough right now, sorry man.
There are so many things to say about this game. I know many people will say Argentina had the disadvantage with the goalies and all, and yes sure that was major in the penalty kicks, BUT lets talk before the PK shots. Argentina got too comfortable on the 70eth minute. Em I'm sorry but they took Requelme out and he didn't even seem to be injured. Now I can understand maybe he was tired, but they put in a defensive mid? They didn't want more, they just wanted to keep the 1-0 while playing germany... come on... If you ask me, that was the biggest mistake for Argentina. They played well, Germany played well, but Germany played like they wanted to win even after 1-1, whereas Argentina stopped pushing - why? Requelme was gone, they had no attacking mid!!
Argentina's goal was amazing, and then Germany's answer... Klosse! You just need to say that and everyone will understand. And then after 1-1 you see Klinsman putting strikers and attacking mid in still. No defensive substitutions, nothing. And I respect that a lot, and so do others. Argentina came back in the first minutes of the second overtime, but it was too late.
PKs, well that's where Lehmann showed himself. I just want to say that whoever was commentating for ESPN that game and said that "he hasn't been impressed by Lehman this world cup" should go shoot himself or something. I was ready to switch to the chinese channell just so I don't hear that nonsense.
I have so much more to say, but I hate writing huge comments so I'll close this with a good job to both teams and my prediction for the final game still holds :P
P.S. Gog do you know what I thought when Cambiasso came up to the ball? I'm sure you do lol.
Not too much to say about the Ukraine - Italy game. Dod you were right Toni did break out so good call on that. Props to Ukraine, they played well and had a bunch of moments that they should have scored on, but got unlucky. But as memin pointed out, good teams create a lot of dangerous moments, but the great teams make sure those moments turn into goals. But my opinion is this was Ukraine's best game of this world cup, even better than the game they won 4-0! Shevo finally showed a lot of his skills, but I guess not enough.
Italy played like Italy always plays and almost got punished again like they got punished by South Korea last world cup. But this time luck was on their side. If Italians play like they played today with the Germans they can kiss the cup goodbye.
Oh and by the way props to Blokhin for immediately substituting and bringing in a third attacker when Italy scored their first. I think he understood that Ukraine had nothing to lose and decided to take the chance of going all into offense. I always like to see coaches do that, even though it might have cause the other 2 goals to be scored. He wasn't afraid of attacking!
I know I'm posting too much today lol, but my friend just sent me this article from BBC that talks about the Argentine coach and some of the mistakes, and the biggest talk is exactly what I mentioned - Requelme substitute. Apparently the coach is quitting. Here's the article:
Argentina's coach news
Holy crap!!!
I just finished watching the Brazil vs. France game.
France played very well. Brazil had a lot of great moments too but never made to a single goal.
Bla, I know you hate France, but today they really did a great job.
Well I guess since so many posts about Brazil were directed at me lol I'll just say a couple things.
First gog you're right, I said it as soon as I saw that Brazil was playin 1 striker - stupid. Why would you change a formation that worked so well for you the entire time. Secondly, France played well no question about that as much as I hate those pricks. At least Henry was the one who scored and not you-know-who. France moves on and will get to the finals no doubt, as much as I hate saying that. As far as Brazil, well they deserved what they got because of the way they played. "Careful and slow soccer" is not Brazil's style and that's what they tried doing. I mean how many times did they lose the ball just because the player stood there moving slow and a French player came from behind (yeah we all know they're pediks) and took it.
Anyways as I said, I didn't have any specific teams this cup, although I always love watching Brazil - and even though so many people deny it we all know it's true.
Anyways now that Brazil's out, as long as Germany keeps playing the way they play I'm sure they'll win. Sorry gog as much as I know you like Italy I don't think they have what it takes.
Nice job Gurg on the predictions. I was only 1/4, but hey, I went out on a limb. :->
I will hold with Germany. They look strong, didn't have a great game, but were aggresive enough (KLINSMANN PLEASE COME TO USA FOR 2010!!!) and they got the win. New german style rocks!
Personally I just hate teams that dive. That's why I hate most South American teams. I can't stand C. Ronaldo but I must say he stepped up after England fell flat on their face. Overall I don't like Portugal or Italy 'cos of all the diving. It must be embarrasing for their fans to see the replays when they are touched on the arm and they grab their face and hit the ground like Mike Tyson just threw an uppercut. Hence, I'm all for Germany (and was for England). Goga, you know your guys are bad...Totti, Toni, most others too.... Just play the game.
Mik, i know the pain you must be going through, but you must admit that Zidane still has amazing touch and a great supporting cast. They are playing well at the right time, and Brazil never peaked just like England.
It sucks we have to wait for the semis to start!!!!!
Ok, I have not commented yet, maybe cause I am a girl and I did not want to intrude into a healthy male debate, even though I have seen most of the games. However, the debate has left the boundaries of "healthy", so here I go.
Goga, dude, I know that you like Italy but there is limit to it.
I mean if Italy does not win the World Cup (which is probably gonna be the case) what are you gonna say then?
I know that Ukraine is out, but I could not be anymore proud of them. Yes, they lost to Italy, but that was their First World Cup EVER. I am not denying that Italy is a decent team, but that does not mean that all other teams suck. I guess it is easy to cheer for a team that is doing pretty good, so when Italy looses who is gonna be "your" team next time. Sorry, if I came on too strong, but you sound like you are either coaching that team or play for them.
Gog I'm gonna give you your words in saying "if you read through all my posts" you'll see that I said that Brazil isn't my team. You said they are who I wanted to see play... of course I wanted to see play. Go read my post, as I said earlier EVERYONE likes to see Brazil play. Even you. You can say no, Italy is my team, but you still like to see Brazil play. It's a team with unique ability to make it to every world cup and somehow almost always make it pretty far. Didn't you say Italy - Brazil final? Does that make them your team as well? Don't make conclusions then tell others not to! Once again, I love Brazil, I love to see them play, but this world cup I didn't care if they didn't win. The only thing I was dissappointed is how they lost and even more who they lost to.
As far as the whole thing with the dives - every team dives. Some more than others. It's not pretty, it's not very nice, it's not cool, but when it gets the job done - nobody who is cheering for the team will care. You might say "yeah it wasn't very pretty... but we won!!! woohoo! Drinks all around!" I'm not saying I like it, just saying that it's always there. I was watching Brazil - Ghana with a guy from Ghana and when I was praising his team for playing really good he said "yeah they are playing good and all, but it doesn't get the job done. I'd rather they get the job done." And that's what the coaches want. They want the job done one way or another. And if the team can do it while at the same time displaying beautiful soccer - well even better. I guess in saying this you can say I'm defending Italy because they don't play beautiful soccer, they defend well and that usually gets the job done.
You had to put USA in there, didn't you gog? Big mistake. Baton down the hatches, 'cos here it goes:
At least I didn't get slammed by a chick!!! hahaaa. Nice time to enter the fray Lilia!
Now, come on, don't dis the US, they are the only ones who forced a goal on Italy. You can't deny that. 10 on 9 with tie result isn't that bad for a sucky team.
Italy and Portugal dive more than most teams, that's all I'm saying. Yes, all teams dive, but Italy just more. Come on, you can't deny your team's well-deserved and well-known reputation. Just admit how you win games: with a bunch of diving pansies more concerned with beautiful hair than beautiful football.
Mika, you get a little message too. :-> Get off the fence!!! You missed your calling in life. You should have been a politician. I haven't seen a more neutral position since Switzerland in World War 2. Come on, stop commentating and get behind a team! Who do you like? All we know so far is you hate France.
Fellas, one more comment. In 2010, let's all go together to South Africa and debate in the local bars/stadiums while we watch the games. See you there!!!
I'm taking the sure money this time: Germany vs. France in the final:
Germany wins!!!!!! 3-1
Alright, I did not post that comment to heat up the situation even more, I actually felt pretty bad about that. What can I say, I am just not a mean kinda girl :)
It is kinda cool to have this kind of discussion going on though, I mean we have like 44 comments so far, amazing.
I personally hope that Germany wins, no offense to anyone who doesn't (Goga) It has been great watching the World Cup, I had to make time between classes and work to wacth it, lol. I even had my friends texting me the score when I was in class, now that's what I call a REAL FAN, lol. jk.
Hey now I've said from the beginning of this cup that I'm not really cheering for any specific team and I'm sticking to that. Neutral is good dod just look at Switzerland and how good they're doing! If that's what neutrality will bring me - I'm all for it! lol jk. Anyways predictions:
Germany - Italy 1:0
France - Portugal 3:1
Germany - France 1:0
Oh and I've been told many times I should have become a lawyer? Now politician? lol maybe I really did miss my calling in life! :P
wow Gog, that was a good one. I'm insulted like never before? lol I'm gonna go buy that J30 now... and ram your car over with it. No big loss to me since it's so ugly and maybe it'll get a little prettier after the ramming.
Mika, no offence, but Goga's comment about you becomming a hairdresser made me laugh out loud, lol. I guess I kinda imagined it for a second too, jk.
If it makes you feel any better, I cannot see you becoming anyone else but a professional geek ...uh... I mean computer programer. lol.