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World Cup in ASCII?

Forget HDTV (high definition), watch the World Cup 2006 in a whole new perspective - ASCII! offers two mirrors that you can telnet to and watch the world cup games in ASCII format. It appears that so many people enjoy this service that I wasn't even able to connect because there were too many connections already :( To check it out simply telnet to any of these two mirrors by opening up a terminal(*nix or Mac) or command prompt(windows):

telnet 2006
telnet 2006

posted by bla on Wednesday, June 14, 2006


At 14 June, 2006 17:11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Btw, does anybody know where I can watch the whole games over the internet?

I don't have ESPN2 :(

P.S. Good job Poland today! I was very impressed how they played against Germany.

At 14 June, 2006 22:03, Blogger bla said...

mr. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sent me a program called SopCast that lets you watch the games. I just sent it to you Denis, let me know if you have problems. I'm gonna have to use it too now since I'm back in Ohio... stupid interview lol. By the way if anyone else needs it let me know.

At 15 June, 2006 00:28, Blogger Random said...

DVR is the only way to go (also known as TiVo)


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