Enhancing your experience with dual monitors
I have had dual monitors at work for a long time and luckily I've had an nVidia video card, which has a great utility that allows you to be pretty flexible with your dual monitors. However I've always had problems with the taskbar options and finally I was able to find an application that allowed me to customize my taskbar just the way I wanted. Introducing Ultramon. The application allows you to set your taskbar to stretch all the way AND (this is what makes it great) it'll only display the apps that are open on the respective monitor. It also adds items such as "maximize spanning both monitors" and "move to the next monitor" next to minimize, maximize and close buttons on every window. The application has a lot more options such as setting a different screen saver for each of the monitors and many others. The only drawback of the application is that it's not free. However if you'd like to try it, there's a trial edition. Alternitavely if you'd like to get a free program, there's another one called Multi-Monitor Taskbar which does a lot of the same things (I haven't tried this one). Anyways here are some screenshots that I took of my dual monitors:
posted by bla on Monday, November 20, 2006