Loose Change - The Best 9/11 Documentary
A while back I tried to watch "Fahrenheit 911" and it was crap, the guy was pulling facts out of his behind and making assumptions that were not supported by any facts at all. This documentary takes a completely different route:
"This film shows direct connection between the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the United States government.This is a quote from official website. I think it gives a very interesting perspective on 9/11 (Btw it was made by a bunch of American 25 year olds).
Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and most important, Americans who suffered through that tragic day."
I really recommend everybody to watch that. My personal opinion about US haven't changed after watching this documentary but only strengthened. Democracy as such doesn't exist anymore. And no, it didn't go away with Bush, it's been long since gone. Here are some facts for you to consider: foreign policy, IRS is unconstitutional (nothing about individual income tax in US constitution), lack of freedom of speech (Maximus you can say all you want about this one but it exists only until you don't cross some officials path), privacy (I would assume that freedom implies owning your personal information like health insurance, credit, and etc) and so on.
And how about the fact that those that has enough money can lobby anything they like in US senate. If you want example, RIAA lobbied to require from Russia to shut down an All Of Mp3s.com website in order to join WTO. Wiretapping is next. It happen without your citizens consent and did anybody got punished for doing that illegal? Of course not.
Anyway watch the movie and then comment. Here's the link on Google Videos to it. (1h 21min long)