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link :: Sleeping.... GOOD!!!

Being a student myself I have trouble getting enough sleep every once in a while (Especially in the end of the semester). So here are some very good tips on getting enough of it.

I tried a lot of the techniques from these guides and they really do work, very-very well!

posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 12, 2006


At 13 January, 2006 07:33, Blogger bla said...

Well I have no problems falling asleep, I just have problems with sleeping enough! I really liked the last 2. Very interesting information in the second article. I'll have to try those power naps, although they never really seem to work for me. I always end up sleeping longer than even the "Lazy man's sleep" that's in that third article. Sleep is really very important to our health. That's one area I really need to work on. (:

At 13 January, 2006 18:23, Blogger Lilia said...

Ok, well I have a problem falling asleep and weaking up lol. So those tips would be useful for me, lol.


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