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My finished website

What up fellas? Just thought you might like to see the finished product of my website. I couldn't dl a working copy of Dreamweaver and Google Pages just wasn't robust enough, so I ended up using Microsoft FrontPage. I got a cool template. Anyway, thanks for your suggestions and check it out:

Excelsior Executive Suites LLC - owned and operated by Randall and Carine Henderson

posted by Random on Tuesday, October 02, 2007


At 03 October, 2007 07:13, Blogger bla said...

Hey dod the site looks good. One problem with using that stupid Microsoft tool is that it optimizes for IE. Have you seen your Brooklyn pages in Firefox? (: Other than that it looks good! Are these for rent over a long period or long and short? The places look awesome! One more thing is you might want to resize the little thumbnail images instead of using the original size since it kinda looks squished, but if you resize them to the size you want it'll look better (and the file size will be smaller).

At 03 October, 2007 23:18, Blogger Random said...

thanks dude. I know about the Firefox problems. I don't know how to fix them though. Check again on there to see the rates, they are actually located on the individual unit pages. All pages should be done tonight.

Re: thumbnail images, i need to do that....thanks for the tip. Not that hard to do, right?

At 08 October, 2007 08:09, Blogger Unknown said...

hey, is that you with kiyosaki? i really like that dude... he made some big sacrifices to be where he's at today.

the only thing i've wondered is if he chose not to have kids (cuz they would interfere), or if he just couldn't. i hope it's the latter because i kinda like the guy.

At 12 October, 2007 16:19, Blogger bla said...

The problem with your code is that you have a height set. Just get rid of it and it'll be fine. Example on this page:

There's a line of code that says:

<div style="width: 665px; height: 156px;" id="text">

if you get rid of the height and make it:

<div style="width: 665px;" id="text">

It displays fine. Let me know if that helps.

At 22 October, 2007 11:25, Blogger Random said...

Memo, that is me and my wife with Kiyosaki. he is a total stud. As for the kids thing, I'm disappointed that he never did, I don't know the reasons why. I'd like to think like you that maybe they couldn't.

He was a great guy to meet. btw, we met him because one of the VP's in his Rich Dad company is currently staying at our unit in the Gateway mall. Pretty cool, right?

Bla, I'm trying your solution. Thanks sooo much for looking through it. I'll let you know how it goes.

At 22 October, 2007 11:42, Blogger Random said...


thanks a ton, it worked. I still have some other spacing issues in Firefox on some of the pages, but it totally fixed the other problem. How about the thumbnail thing? How do I get the individual files out of Thumbs.DB?

At 27 October, 2007 21:03, Blogger Unknown said...


i was wondering if you're still selling your wife's bracelet (was it braceletes) business.

let me know

At 05 November, 2007 13:53, Blogger Random said...

no, we sold that business to a company called Vision Wear. But they are still selling them. Go to and you'll be re-routed to their site.

good memory! :)


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