::weird question:: fishing for responses...
So I don't know if this will get any replies, but it at least will let you guys know where my mind has been lately. I only bring this up for an interesting discussion and because I just dropped a crapload of cash on it. Also, it helps me to summarize all that I've been studying and get some other perspective. I hope this forum is okay for this type of discussion....
I've been learning more and more about investing/stock market stuff lately, and I think we're on the verge of something interesting in America. Americans are up to their eye-balls in debt, both housing and credit cards. Companies are just as bad. Meanwhile the european and chinese economies are on the rise. There are almost twice as many americans in their fifties than in their twenties, and the fifty-somethings will start to retire in 2007. It will be a major burden on the stock market and gov't as those ppl withdraw from 401k's or Social Security (an expected 20 billion a month withdrawal).
Combine that with the strength of the euro and the yen, and you can start to see a major downturn of the american economy taking shape. All of the factors are in place and it's already starting. The american stock market goes up and down in 40 year cycles, and it's time to decline for a while.
So what do you guys think? Did I convice you and possibly myself that this is what is happening?
Feel free not to respond or even read this post....just fishing i guess for some validation.