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Encryption in Gmail !!!

Me and bla have been drewling aver possibility of doing this forever. I even tried to tie PGP or GPG to Gmail but it does not support their transferring protocol :( Well, now it's possible.

The encryption is not super tough but it's enough to hide things from an average observer.

Its implemented using a Greasemonkey script (It's a Firefox extension). The only thing that you need to do past that is generate your key pair: public key so that other could encrypt messages for you and private so that you could decrypt messages sent to you by others. It's a fairly easy implementation for it.

My public key is: 1817047:17

Here you can get the actual script.

Send me an email to check, you can also post your public key in the comments for all those that wanna try it out.

posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 30, 2006


At 31 May, 2006 09:07, Blogger bla said...

Allright... First off - great find Denis! Awesome script, definately been looking for something like it.

Now the shortcommings. Don't quote me on the stuff I'm about to write since I'm half asleep hehe, but here are the problems I encountered with this thing - all had to do with decryption:

1. Because you have to hit "Reply" to decrypt the messages and the default action of "Reply" adds greater than signs ">" to each line, it adds those in the encrypted part of the message as well. Make sure you either delete these by hand, or you know just copy paste the stuff between --- Start of mailencrypt --- and --- End of mailencrypt --- from your original email into the reply box. If you don't you'll get something like "is not a valid hex digit".

2. Don't use huge prime numbers to generate your keys. I tried things like 411311 or 311123 (off top of my head so not sure if I wrote them right) and encryption worked great, but Decryption wouldn't decrypt back to my text and I got a lot of weird errors like the primes are too small to decrypt this message... lol gr!

Correct me please if any of this isn't really valid. I only played with it for about 20 minutes and about to go back at it! All in all great find Denis once again (:

At 31 May, 2006 09:22, Blogger bla said...

Oh and by the way if you'd like to generate some keys here's a site that has all the prime numbers up to I dunno how much (definately much more then you'll ever need :P)

Prime numbers

At 01 June, 2006 00:17, Blogger Random said...

ummmmm....i don't think my paranoia has reached this complex of a level quite yet.

At 01 June, 2006 06:33, Blogger bla said...

hehe, well it's not about paranoia on every single email, but every once in a while you send some that might have a need. It's a rare case usually, but it's good to know that if needed there are tools to let you do it and this one's "built in" to Gmail.

At 02 June, 2006 07:35, Blogger bla said...

For those interested, me and Denis have sent a few messages successfully without any problems, so it definately works pretty good! My public key is: 1951399:17


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