Funny yet at the same time serious possible eBay fraud
Apparently some guy sold a broken laptop on eBay, while advertising it as fully functioning and adding on to the specs false information. Well this is according to the person who bought it. Apparently the seller didn't even bother formatting his hard drive and when the buyer checked it he found a lot of "interesting information" on it. So he went ahead and posted all that on the webpage. This case is being investigated by the british police because apparently the seller (Amir) wants the site to be taken down (I wonder why), meanwhile the buyer says he will do it only if Amir refunds him the laptop. Anyways check out the article and the website it self. It's pretty interesting, amusing and warning all at the same time:
The article
The Site
Also the buyer created another site for all those who would like to comment. He put some funny stuff there too. Check out the very first post on the site (it has 690 comments!) and the comments are hillarious.
Comment Site