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Funny yet at the same time serious possible eBay fraud

Apparently some guy sold a broken laptop on eBay, while advertising it as fully functioning and adding on to the specs false information. Well this is according to the person who bought it. Apparently the seller didn't even bother formatting his hard drive and when the buyer checked it he found a lot of "interesting information" on it. So he went ahead and posted all that on the webpage. This case is being investigated by the british police because apparently the seller (Amir) wants the site to be taken down (I wonder why), meanwhile the buyer says he will do it only if Amir refunds him the laptop. Anyways check out the article and the website it self. It's pretty interesting, amusing and warning all at the same time:

The article

The Site

Also the buyer created another site for all those who would like to comment. He put some funny stuff there too. Check out the very first post on the site (it has 690 comments!) and the comments are hillarious.

Comment Site

posted by bla on Thursday, June 01, 2006


At 01 June, 2006 13:28, Blogger bla said...

Well I said funny and serious (: But I agree, I hope this never happens to any of us. However you gotta give credit to the guy's creativity. It was so bad my cousin said he almost felt bad for Amir, even though he cheated the guy out of it lol.

At 05 June, 2006 00:26, Blogger Random said...

I think this is hilarious, and he gets all he deserves. man, what was amir thinking??!! I just spent 20 mins reading the blog site, holy cow, people are roasting him!!!! Goga, you cannot seriously feel bad for a guy who takes pics of womens' legs on the subway.

At 05 June, 2006 07:21, Blogger bla said...

yes he can because he does exactly the same! lol jk (or am I...) hehe the comments are hillarious by people. The guy is definately in a tight spot, I mean just imagine he goes to an interview and the person's like "ohhh Amir! you're that guy that sold that laptop to the laptopguy!" lol. Not sure if you noticed, but the page has almost 3 million hits now!

At 05 June, 2006 15:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment pretty much sums my opinion about Amir:

"uhm what do u guys want?for him to kill himself?for that money and a laptop?dont u have nothing better to do?u have all dirty little secrets."

yeah, but I'm not stupid enough to hand over all of my dirty little secrets to somebody I just screwed out of a computer, either. Go find a squirrel to hug.

What a moron....

At 05 June, 2006 23:40, Blogger Lilia said...

Oh, this is so funny. Can one really be that stupid?
It would be so wrong if Amir won the case.


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