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Shame on you... you... you... you pirate!

This just made me laugh really hard (:

posted by bla on Wednesday, December 17, 2008


At 17 December, 2008 21:51, Blogger Unknown said...

Ha! That's awesome. I dunno about you, but I honestly don't pirate software any more. I plan to make a living off software some day.

Now movies and music, however, that's a different story. ;)

At 18 December, 2008 06:54, Blogger bla said...

I don't either... but mostly because I don't really have too much time and my laptop is on it's last breath, so I'm not really getting any new apps or anything like that. Now once I get my next computer (probably a mac, that's right you heard me right lol), who knows what I'll be doing!

I don't even do movies - never have really. I just like my music in abundance :D


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