txt :: The TV madness
Welcome back to our weekly report on the latest developments in time taking, money sucking technologies.
Yes, you guessed it right, I'm talking about Time Vanish or as most people use to call it - the TV.
How come that when we sit down to watch a movie that's an hour and 30 minutes long we spend at least two and a half hours in front of the screen. How come that when the culminating moment of the movie is about to unfold we have to wait for another five minutes to find out what actually is going to happen. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking about the commercials.
It's funny how the television companies became so good at grabbing our attention and wasting our time that we don't even notice it anymore.
The day started with a wonderful sunny morning. Birds were singing and mood was at the 100% bar but then you suddenly saw a show running on the TV. Next thing you know it's evening and you're also fat because you ate so many snacks without even noticing it.
How many years will it take for us to understand what the TV acronym really stands for - the Time Vanish. We have 70 or 80 years (if we're lucky) on this Earth and we're wasting it finding out about Always Plus and how the pills kill the lightning in our bodies.
I thought we were educated people, at least educated enough not to be let like cattle to slaughter. But we aren't. All we do is watch the blinking screen that shows the erotic bodies that sit on some beach in Alaska and call us to join them for a dream vacation. Or how about trucks that can pull a train with their zillions of horse power. How many of you actually do pull trains with a truck on a daily basis?
Think about it. It's your freaking life. I made my choice.
P.S. After rereading I felt like a tree hugging advertiser... Oh well... :)