txt :: Just to clear things up!
Ok ok... it seems like we need to clear some things up. I know how it goes to be new to blogs since this is my first one as well (before that I only picked on people who used blogs). So I'm not trying to pick on ya Lolik :P hehe. (nice pic by the way lol) Anyways!
There's two ways you can post (or at least only 2 that I know of). One way is to create a post like the ones you see when you see the blog, or you can comment on a post that already exists! So if there's a post you can read what others commented about it. If you want to read what others commented or add your own comment just look at the end of the post and you'll see a link that'll say "0 comments" or "2 comments" or however many there are at the time. Just click on that and you'll see the comments and there'll be a way to add a new one of your own! (:
There we go! I hope this helps (: Thanks for pointing that out Lolik!
Oh and as far as nikak goes - I threw it in the comment under memo's post since he asked (:
Ok one more thing. When you write a post make sure you hit "Publish Post" instead of "Save as Draft" (I've done this so many times). If you save it as draft you won't see your post (so if you don't see your post check that first).