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link :: Privacy or Security?

I was reading a great article on how some hackers exposed the Austrian government's public survailance cameras. Apparently there was a law passed recently there that the police can put cameras in any public places without court orders. This made me think of the question that always comes up in situations like this. So I wanted to see what you guys think. The question is do you prefer privacy or security? We all know how you can't have both fully together. This survailance camera for example - is it too much? Would you mind if they could monitor you on the streets?

I personally think in this case it's too much. I prefer privacy more and the security part I try to handle myself. That's my policy.

Anyways waiting for your thoughts


posted by bla on Thursday, December 29, 2005


At 29 December, 2005 08:07, Blogger bla said...

Just read another article on the NSA and I figured it's relevant.

NSA Cookies

At 29 December, 2005 09:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll add some data to this. On BYU campus there's some 150 cameras spread around hidden here and there that monitor campus life 24/7.

It almost seems like the privacy is partially taken away from us by authorities.

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