txt :: That time of the year again
Well it's September and with it comes one of the greatest events - school!!! YEA RIGHT! I'm actually talking about the Champion's League(CL). For those who don't know what CL is - it's the most prestige futbol (or for some of you soccer) competition between european clubs. Top 3 clubs of all the european clubs compete for the ultimate title of the champion of the champions!
As usual my favorite team A.C. Milan from Italy is in this tournament. They almost took the cup last year, but lost in the final after leading 3-0... Lets hope this year they don't do that.
I know a lot of you follow futbol religiously and have favorite teams, so I figured I'll throw in a post about CL and try to get some futbol conversation going (:
A.C. Milan plays Fenerbahce (turkish team) today and we're going to win!!!
Anyways if you're interested in any of this at all here's a few websites that have all the stats and even rules of the tournament:
UEFA (the official website of the tournament)
Livescore (this website displays all the scores of the current played games live.
There are many more websites (I know memin follows another one that's in spanish and has even photos).
Having said all this only thing to add is - A.C. Milan rules!