txt:: katrina
after reading randall's post, i felt i also wanted to comment about the situation in new orleans.
it really doesn't surprise me to see all those people looting. they're the cowards that have always wanted to steal but were afraid of getting caught; now that they have a chance, they're only doing what they've always wanted to do.
for everyone of those cowards, however, you can find someone that will not only help their family but everyone else they can. randall mentioned that this is a time to stand together, and we're doing this. two examples of how i see this happening:
- amazon has set up a page for people to make donations to the red-cross. they've already gathered over 2 million dollars
- at my job, the company has decided to match employee donations (1 to 1) to the help effort in new orleans.
i can only imagine that things like this are happening all over the US right now.
finally, there's one more thing i wanted to mention. this is definetely not a time to criticize, but we must be aware of the fact that the relief effort came in late. after people are back in their homes we need to look back and think about why this happened. something like this should have never happend, but most importantly, should never happen again.
please donate some money to the relief effort! the red-cross says that $100 can give a week worth of supplies to a family of four. there are rotting corpses on the streets of new orleans; please help!