txt :: Just a thought....
Where are we going? Communism is gone and capitalism keeps falling and breaking toes on it's weak legs. What is coming next? Will we [people] still suck on each others blood or will we change for the better?
The world is constantly evolving into something different, something more complex and fancy. From planting seeds by hand and letting rain take care of the rest we advanced to using machines and chemicals as well as seeds that are now engineered in the labs. What is next evolution step?
I'm just curious about what is the truth and why the world keeps swimming in lies, diving deeper with each year by finding more elegant ways of masquerading a fox for a chicken.
This post is a try one, just want to see if you guys like to express your opinions about matters not necessarily closely tied to technology. :) I also accept any suggestions about other topics.... No, wait... I expect post on other interesting topics :)