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link :: Especially for Lilia

Ok so since Lilia posted that one post with the cats for me, this one goes to her. It's a bit different... but carries the same umm elements. It's a great european car commercial.


And in the same spirit here's a second commercial for the same car:

Ka (Cut 2)

posted by bla on Tuesday, February 07, 2006


At 07 February, 2006 21:02, Blogger Lilia said...

Hey, Mika, I thought you liked me a little better than that,lol. How would you feel if I posted a clip of someone crashing a computer with a stick. Well, now triple that, and you will get the feeling that I had when watching those videos.
I still like you though, lol, but I will never ever buy this Ka car because of its commercial.

At 07 February, 2006 21:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey bla, where was that video of a guy jumping on a computer? Do you still have it? lol

At 07 February, 2006 21:30, Blogger Lilia said...

Here is the funny thing. I started watching the video and I was all "Oh, how cute, look at this cute cat, it is curious..." commenting its every move with a smile on my face, and then...
Denis was there he said it was pretty funny watching me.

At 08 February, 2006 21:08, Blogger Lilia said...

You guys are heartless, lol. Cats are nice creatures. Mika, how are you gonna look in your cat's eyes after making this post.

At 08 February, 2006 21:44, Blogger bla said...

Lilia. When the cat first moved in, me and one of my old roommates made her blow up 2 baloons by tricking her. She blew up the first one, ran into Ivan's (her old owner) room, then 5 minutes later she blew the second one and didn't come out for a while... Does that explain it? lol She's a masochist just like her owner :D


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